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US Army Soldier in Universal Camouflage Uniform

Veterans Resources

Welcome. Here, we will provide a network of premier veteran service providers ensuring that veterans in Kern County, California and their families achieve a successful transition from military to civilian life.

Aviation Show

Benefits and Services


USDVA helps veterans with service-connected disabilities prepare for, find, and keep suitable employment. For veterans with serious service-connected disabilities, USDVA also offers services to improve their ability to live as independently as possible. Some of the services offered are; job search, vocational evaluation, career exploration, vocational training, education training, and rehabilitation service.

Time Limit

Generally, 12 years from USDVA notice to veteran of at least a 10 percent disability rating.

How To Apply

Visit any USDVA office, call (800) 827-1000 or file at . You may also apply at your local CVSO.

Thank You Tag

Benefits and Services

Home Loan

Veterans with qualifying service are eligible for state and federal loan services, including guaranteed loans for the purchase of a home, manufactured home, manufactured home and lot, certain types of condominiums, or to build, repair, and improve homes. Certain disabled veterans can receive grants to have their homes specially adapted to their needs. Native Americans living on Trust land may qualify for a direct home loan.

Time Limit


How To Apply

For more Information on obtaining a Home Loan, call: 866-653-2510, or go to; . For federal benefits visit any USDVA office or call (800) 827-1000. .

Veterans with Flowers

Benefits and Services

Life Insurance

  1. Service members' Group Life Insurance (SGLI) is a low-cost life insurance for service members and reservists. It is available in $50,000 increments up to a maximum of $400,000. SGLI coverage begins when the service member enters service or changes duty status. 

  2. Traumatic Injury Protection under Service members' Group Life Insurance (TSGLI) is a traumatic injury protection rider under Service members' Group Life Insurance (SGLI) that provides for payment to any member of the uniformed services covered by SGLI who sustains a traumatic injury that results in certain severe losses. TSGLI is retroactive for members who sustain a qualifying loss as a direct result of injuries incurred on or after October 7, 2001, through November 20, 2005, in Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation Iraqi Freedom, regardless of whether they had SGLI coverage. TSGLI pays a benefits of between $25,000 and $100,000 depending on the loss directly resulting from the traumatic injury. In order for a veteran to qualify for a TSGLI payment, they must have incurred a qualifying loss as a result of a traumatic event that occurred while they were in the service. 

  3. ​Veterans' Group Life Insurance (VGLI) is lifetime renewable term life insurance for veterans. It is available in increments of $10,000 up to $400,000 but cannot exceed the amount of SGLI coverage in force at the time of the service member's separation from service. Premiums are age-based.

  4. Family Group Life Insurance (FGLI) is life insurance that provides automatic coverage to the spouse and children of service members insured under SGLI. Spousal coverage is available up to a maximum of $100,000, but may not exceed the service member's coverage amount. Premiums for spousal coverage are age-based. Dependent children are automatically covered for $10,000 for which there is no cost. 

  5. Service-Disabled Veterans' Insurance (SDVI), also called "RH" Insurance, is life insurance for service-disabled veterans. The basic coverage is $10,000. A $30,000 supplemental policy is available if premium payments for the basic policy are waived due to total disability. 

  6. Veterans' Mortgage Life Insurance (VMLI) is mortgage protection insurance issued to those severely disabled veterans who have  received grants for Specially Adapted Housing from USDVA. Maximum coverage of $90,000.

Time Limit

  1. Service members' Group Life Insurance (SGLI) : Coverage for 120 days from  date of separation or up to one year if totally disabled at the time of separation from service.

  2. Traumatic Injury Protection under Service members' Group Life Insurance (TSGLI): Coverage continues through midnight of the date of discharge, but member/ veteran generally has up to two years from the date of the loss to apply for payment.

  3. Veterans' Group Life Insurance (VGLI): Must apply within 120 days of separation or 1 year and 120 days if proof of good health is provided. Those on the 2-year disability extension are automatically converted to VGLI at the end of the 2-year period.

  4. Family Group Life Insurance (FGLI): Coverage terminates 120 days after service member is released from service. Spouse may convert to a commercial policy. 

  5. Service-Disabled Veterans' Insurance (SDVI): For basic, must apply within two years from date of notification of service-connected disability. For supplemental, must apply within one year of approval of waiver of premiums. 

  6. Veterans' Mortgage Life Insurance (VMLI): Must apply before age 70.

How To Apply

  1. Service members' Group Life Insurance (SGLI) : Visit any USDVA Insurance Center or call (800)419-1473 .

  2. Traumatic Injury Protection under Service members' Group Life Insurance (TSGLI): Visit any USDVA Insurance Center or call (800)419-1473 .

  3. Veterans' Group Life Insurance (VGLI): Visit any USDVA Insurance Center or call (800)669-8477 .

  4. Family Group Life Insurance (FGLI): Visit any USDVA Insurance Center or call (800)669-8477 .

  5. Service-Disabled Veterans' Insurance (SDVI): Contact your former employer.

  6. Veterans' Mortgage Life Insurance (VMLI): Any State of California Employment Office, . (Bring your DD Form 214)

Ready for Parade

Benefits and Services


The Department of Labor's website contains information on employment rights of members of the uniformed services. State Job Banks: .

Time Limit

For military service over 180 days, must apply for reemployment with employer within 90 days from separation. Shorter periods to apply if service is less than 180 days.

How To Apply

Visit any USDVA office, call (800) 827-1000 or file at . You may also apply at your local CVSO.

Millitary Soldier

Benefits and Services

Unemployment Compensation

The unemployment compensation for ex-service members program is administered by the states as agents of the federal government. The department of Labor's website contains links for each state's benefits.

Time Limit

Limited time.

How To Apply

Visit any USDVA office, call (800) 827-1000 or file at . You may also apply at your local CVSO.

The California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet) works closely with local communities in a joint effort to serve the State of California's veterans. To ensure veterans receive the assistance, benefits, and services they need, CalVet divides California into eight regions and staffs each region with a Local Interagency Network Coordinator (LINC). The LINCs play a dynamic role within the Kern County community, serving as both an informational conduit to the community and feedback resources for CalVet. The E-mail contact information to the Central Valley LINC region is:




The California Transition Assistance Program (CalTap) offers a full array of transition assistance to all veterans in the state (not only those who have recently exited the military). It is essential that veterans are connected to the state system of care as they progress in their lives and as needs of the veteran and family change. 

The Goals of CalTap are to:

  1. Inform and connect veterans of all eras to their earned federal and state benefits. 

  2. Coordinate the delivery of the program with all stakeholders to ensure the unmet, emerging, or expanding needs of veterans and their families are met.

  3. Provide continued support and assistance to veterans and their families as their needs change over time.


The online curriculum includes the entire CalTap core curriculum and is available to veterans 24 hours a day. Formats include computer-based training modules, recorded webinars, and printable handouts, with subject matter experts for each module.  Experts from CalVet, the U.S. Department of veterans Affairs (USDVA), and other organizations that administer programs and benefits for veterans have contributed to the web-based curriculum. CalVet website curriculum developers continuously improve the online curriculum based on best practices and current data research available for veterans of all eras. The curriculum is continuously adapted and modified to include additional modules, as well as reflect and changes to federal and state statute and regulations governing veterans benefits. The online curriculum can be accessed here: .


There are in-person CalTap courses offered throughout California, making the courses accessible for all veterans. The CalTap training coordinators facilitate training opportunities throughout the state by collaborating with service providers in each region as subject matter experts and presenters for the CalTap courses. The curriculum trainings are facilitated through a collaborative effort of existing CalVet LINC program staff.


The LINC program staff serve as information conduits in various local communities throughout California. The CalTap training coordinators coordinate four tracts of training to include the core curriculum, as well as education, employment, and service providers pathways.


Experts from organizations that administer programs and benefits for veterans deliver the curriculum, and veterans hear directly from CalVet, USDVA, and numerous non-profit community-based organizations about specific benefits and services available nationally, state-wide, and in the community where they live. 

Questions/ Comments: 


Available to all California motorists, a special California license plate may be ordered with the branch of service, unit, or a veterans service organization logo/emblem of choice. More than 70 insignias are available, and the logo will be prominently displayed to the left of a six number/letter combination. Original sequential plates are $50 (this may be a tax-deductible contribution and is in addition to normal DMV license fees). "Personalized" license plates (choice of up to six characters are available for $78. The annual renewal fee for sequential and personalized are the same - $40 for auto, truck, or motorcycle. All proceeds from the sale of veterans plates are used to expand veteran services statewide.

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